Saturday, February 12, 2011

Salisbury Steak and Guitar Strings

Dear Whoever the Hell Cares,

I really want to start playing guitar again but I desperately need to buy strings and a tuner. I don't want to start a band or anything just jam out maybe chill and jam with some people that's all. I just miss playing.

Oh, does anyone have any interesting original recipes for ground beef. I seem to be limited to Burgers, Salisbury Steak, Tacos, Hamburger Helper, Meatballs, and pseudo Stroganoff and I want to expand my knowledge and usage of this inexpensive product. If anyone can think of something send me a comment.

Tonight I will be watching the movie Rampage suggested by a coworker and I am hoping for good things... but this same coworker wants me to watch the entire SAW franchise and I just don't like those films. I'll post later with my review of Rampage and until next time.

Readers Beware; You're in for a Scare

oh Goosebumps

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