Sunday, February 13, 2011

And on the Radio You'll Hear November Rain

Good Evening Sports Fans:

Here is my review for RAMPAGE
Ok first off I am so sick of this artsy fartsy BS of not using a steady cam. I will buy you a damn tripod. Now that I got this off my chest there is an automatic bias caused by the scene in the hair salon... I LOVE Catherine Isabelle. I even own those shitty sequels to Gingersnaps and when I found out she was in an episode of Psych I watched the entire series on NETFLIX. So I guess you should get an actual review as well. The film is short (85minutes) but what is lacks in length it makes up in plot which is dynamic. I like when a single film fills in all the holes but the camera shaking still pissed me off like physically I was getting as enraged as Bill which may have been the goal.

In all I give RAMPAGE 3.5 Flaming Skulls out of 5

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