Friday, February 11, 2011

Cannibalized Christians: a story of Jack Daniels and HARD ROCK!!

Tonight I have been watching the 100 Greatest Hard Rock songs on VH1 and I have been drinking a cocktail of my own creation.

Jack Daniels Pink Lemonade
2oz Jack Daniels
1/2oz Vodka
1oz Lemon Juice
2.5oz Cranberry Juice
1tsp sugar

Shaken served in a High Ball glass

As many know I normally consider myself a beer drinker and love my strange brews but tonight I was in the mood for my second beverage of choice Whiskey... and I love most of it.

I am still waiting for an email to pick up my free bottle of Single Malt Scotch but back to my night.

You may be asking what the first part my title for this post means. Simply this

3/4oz Amaretto
3/4oz Jack Daniels
3/4oz Jagermeister
Coca Cola

Does that not sound Delicious, and the name Cannibalized Christian that is right up my alley.

I also made a delicious meal for dinner. Coconut Chicken Fried Basmati Rice. It was amazing one single problem for my girlfriend too spicy. I will happily post the recipe if you ask.

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