Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Nightmares and Mutants

So I finally got around to watching the new
Nightmare On Elm Stree

I didn't have any expectations of this film and good thing I didn't because it was Rorschach pretending to be a menacing Robert England and that is my view of Freddy. The story is lacking because by the time the plot goes anywhere everyone is dead. I don't think it is a good film to get new NOES fans because it assumes you know to much already and if you are unfamiliar with the franchise you might feel like it's giving you the answers before it asks the questions.

I give A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010.... 2.5 flaming skulls out of 5

Now that that's out of the way I want to say how pumped I am for the marvel movies this summer especially Xmen First Class. From the trailer it looks epic and I can't wait to see it. Captain America looks awesome too but Thor I am a little wary about. The writing and plot of Thor has to be really strong for it to be good.


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