Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Sunny Day

So it has officially been 4 weeks since beerfest... I am a lazy POS aren't I?

I guess I should talk about it for a bit.

At Fest they had what you might expect from a New England beer expo.

Sam Adams (nothing special I took a few notes from a tasting I had of only them a few weeks ago and will talk about that later)

Harpoon... Long Trail... Otter Creek
none of which had anything innovative or very interesting to taste or show me. I think it was Harpoon that had the TRIFECTA  which was a blend of three of their brews in one tasting and that was interesting. Kind of classy fratboy status but interesting none the less... after the first 2.5 hours one of the people I was with just went around to each stand asking them to mix all their beers. I hope that tells you how uninteresting Beerfest actually was. Don't get me wrong I had a great time and tasted VERY MANY good beers but I was expecting more. More as in the innovative, creative concoctions that these craft breweries have thought up. I basically wanted to be a guinea pig, but alas I was merely a patron.

I was impressed but 3 stands. 2 of which were not even beer.

Firstly Original Sin Cider

The reason I was attracted to this was the pictures and logos. They have all these cool illustrated pinups and their logo is really neat.. yeah I just said neat.

So I went to taste. Their apple is ok at best but their Pear Cider was awesome. I was not expecting it to be that good after having their apple.


Woodchuck Cider

Good Cider... only apple I thoroughly enjoyed their Summer Cider. Still too sweet for me I couldn't have more then one.

Lastly the best thing I had at beerfest

Period. end of story. If you see any of the three beers they offer at you liquor store pick them up. They are expensive but if you are a beer enthusiast it is worth it. I just checked out the price at my local liquor store earlier  and it is 9.99 for a four pack of the Oaked which is my favorite and 10.99 for a four pack of the Rum Casked. Pick these up and give them a taste then tell your friends and have them tell their friends and maybe we can get an Innis & Gunn here in the US and not pay $30 for 12 beers.

Thats my beerfest review. If it isn't any better in the fall then I won't be going to the spring unless someone pays me.

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