Sunday, March 6, 2011

That's My Angry Face

It would appear that the first thing I set forth before all else for this upcoming trimester has already fallen to the way side. My camera seems to be in ill repair. I got so upset last night while I was taking pictures of my tasting pours because after the first one my camera just went dead... I can't even get it to focus on manual focus and clean the lenses and keep the camera in it's case... I don't know the problem nor the solution. That is my moping just wanted to explain why my second and third beer in this post have lower quality photos.

In other news this is the start of my 9th trimester at JWU and I am pretty pumped especially for my Food in Film and Literature class, but besides that I can't wait to start brewing. I am trying to get back on the Deans List again this tri.

Future Look:
So I am doing a brief look into the future Tonight I am posting My second Flight of this weekend's tasting and this coming weekend I will be posting similar to these past two posts but the weekend after that (18th to 20th) I will be heading to Pennsylvania for my Brother's musical, but I will still have a tasting post earlier that week from Uncorking the Past so that should make up for the lost weekend and Hey when I get home my friends might be up to going to a bar. That's as far as my crystal ball can see.

Let's Get to the Tasting.
                                                   That's My angry face

Boulder Beer Company: Hazed & Infused

Color: Amber

Clarity: Dull

Nose: Vegetative, Earthy

Taste: Very Hoppy like and IPA, Long Dry

Recommendations: Dark Chocolate, French Onion Soup

Flying Dog: Tire Bite Golden Ale

Color: Golden

Clarity: CLEAR

Nose: Very Bland... a little hops and starchy but that is all

Taste: Also VERY Bland I might as well been drinking a Budweiser.

Recommendations: Honestly this is my least favorite I have tasted so far. If I found myself having an entire 6pack of this I would probably only be able to drink two then use the others to beer batter EVERYTHING Fish... Chicken... Onion Rings... Doughnuts... My Dog's Toys... OH and probably make a German Stew and maybe Beer Bread because that's what I do with beer I don't like I cook with it.

Left Hand Brewery: Fade To Black Ale

Color: BLACK

Clarity: Completely Opaque

Nose: Smokey, Woodsy

Taste: Espresso and Bacon

Recommendations: Eggs Benedict or anything 
with Fatty Sauces

Hopefully I will have something interesting to talk about during the week so I will post again this week.

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