Friday, March 25, 2011

Am I loud and clear, Or am I breaking up?

We live on front porches and swing life away. We get by just fine here on minimum wage... in a Rise Against mood

So in recent days I have tastes three beers that have tasted mostly the same two of which are imports Bass and New Castle and one is from what I understand "supposed" to be an import it is Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale (tempered over burning witches) but this English themed beer is brewed and bottled in Rochester NY.

These three brews are pretty good depictions in my mind of what a English Pale Ale is they were all dark amber and malty almost like eating steel cut oatmeal and what I recommend for these is a bunch of friends sitting around eating greasy bar food. Definitely a social bunch of beers not that EVERY beer isn't but these beers just tasted like hooliganism. (I thought I made that word up but spell check says it's real)

Now for the IPAs

Green Flash Brewing: West Coast IPA

Ok this thing was a beast of an IPA. The most intensely hopped beer I yet tasted. When I say this was bitter I mean this stuff will rip the fillings right out of your mouth and I say that in the most endearing way possible because it was quite delicious but definitely not for everyone.

Ithaca: Flower Power IPA

This has been my absolute favorite IPA so far. Extremely complex but I can't figure out if it's solely because of the hops of something else. It tastes like lemonade, potpourri, and beer, again, in all the best ways. This one was actually recommended to me by Cat's coworker, and I recommend it to all of you. If you don't know if you like IPAs this might change your mind.

Now for the Bocks.

So this is some info on Bocks because I was unclear myself. I thought a bock can only be brewed in December and served by April and this is true for Australia but I can not find a definitive answer for the rest of the world.

Traditional bock is a sweet, relatively strong (6.3%–7.2% by volume), lightly hopped lager. The beer should be clear, and color can range from light copper to brown, with a bountiful and persistent off-white head. The aroma should be malty and toasty, possibly with hints of alcohol, but no detectable hops or fruitiness. The mouthfeel is smooth, with low to moderate carbonation and no astringency. The taste is rich and toasty, sometimes with a bit of caramel. Again, hop presence is low to undetectable, providing just enough bitterness so that the sweetness is not cloying and the aftertaste is muted.

this information was true for both bocks I have recently had they were both very malty and almost creamy in the smoothness category. I will probably pick another one up next weekend to find any major differences.

Oh, one of the bocks I tasted was Narragansett's and it was quite good. I know I have bad mouthed Gansett in the past and I will still bad mouth there lager because that shit's gross but if a Gansett Girl gives me a bock or stout I will take a swig.

Now to end this one I will give you my FAVORITE so far.

Samuel Adams: Scotch Ale

This is a malty sweet smooth creation that I wish I thought of first with the pallet of a triple malt scotch and the sociability of a Sam Adams this is a true social lubricant. I was enjoying myself with Cat's friends when I had this one so it is hard to make recommendations for this but the beer itself is worth having and having more then one. I almost wanted to pick up a full case as soon as we left Cat's friends. If I ever throw a kegger this is what will be in it.

I am sorry these are not in my usual format but most of these beers were impromptu tastings and I didn't have my notepad and some of them I didn't have a glass for color and clarity, but I kind of like this social format more of a review then informative. I may stick with this style at least until I get a new camera.

We're OK until the day we're not. The surface shines while the inside rots. we raced the sunset and we almost won. we slammed the breaks but the wheels weren't on... I said I was in a Rise Against mood

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Experiment in Social Lubrication: Part One

Friends, Romans, and other sorts of belligerent drunkards

My sincere apologizes for my negligent posting in recent weeks. I have been overwhelmingly busy with school, work, traveling and other miscellaneous events.

I have SO many delicious malted beverages to tell you about and I am going to start what is in my flagon right now. I apologize my camera is still busted so I will just be posting images from the internet.

Harpoon: Leviathan Imperial IPA

Color: Amber

Clarity: Slightly Cloudy

Nose: Citrus and Floral, Very Hoppy

Taste: Much hops but not the most bitter I have had recently I will get back to that soon enough.

Recommendations: grilled shrimp or salmon or any other fish grilled on an open flame.

So on to my next order of business. Uncorking the Past beer tasting.
I have to start this segment out by saying Man was I feeling social anxiety at Brown U. I seriously don't belong there.... I can't wait to go back.

 I have pages upon pages of notes and literature and information given at the event but I seriously doubt you want to know ALL of it. I will say Patrick McGovern and Sam Calagione make one hell of a team and I look forward to seeing them again in the future because they are some crazy smart guys with crazy smart ideas.

Some interesting facts before I get into the brews themselves.

In ancient times alcohol consuming cultures lived up to twice as long as non-alcohol drinking culutres
All mammals are instinctively drawn to enjoy and partake in fermented food and drink
The consumption of alcohol can be dated back to Paleolithic Man

Drum roll please....

Dogfish Head: SAH'TEA

Nose: Spicy, Herbal

Taste: Like Chai Tea and Grass... but in a good way

this one wasn't talked about very much but it was at the tasting and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Dogfish Head: Chateau Jaihu

The oldest of the four tasted with a recipe dating back to 7000bc
Containing rice, muscat grapes, hawthorn fruit, and malt barley

Nose: Banana and Citrus

Taste: Very light due to the rice, citrusy and fruity, light floral

Recommendations: Orange Cake (appearantly that's what the paper says)

Dogfish Head: Theobroma
Honduran drink of the GODS
Made with chocolate and ancho chilis

Nose: Chocolatey and some sweet spice

Taste: Chocolate and complex

Recommendations: Toasted Nuts and Roast Chicken

and I guess I will call it quits for right now but comment and let me know what you think... facebook and twitter accounts can follow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

That's My Angry Face

It would appear that the first thing I set forth before all else for this upcoming trimester has already fallen to the way side. My camera seems to be in ill repair. I got so upset last night while I was taking pictures of my tasting pours because after the first one my camera just went dead... I can't even get it to focus on manual focus and clean the lenses and keep the camera in it's case... I don't know the problem nor the solution. That is my moping just wanted to explain why my second and third beer in this post have lower quality photos.

In other news this is the start of my 9th trimester at JWU and I am pretty pumped especially for my Food in Film and Literature class, but besides that I can't wait to start brewing. I am trying to get back on the Deans List again this tri.

Future Look:
So I am doing a brief look into the future Tonight I am posting My second Flight of this weekend's tasting and this coming weekend I will be posting similar to these past two posts but the weekend after that (18th to 20th) I will be heading to Pennsylvania for my Brother's musical, but I will still have a tasting post earlier that week from Uncorking the Past so that should make up for the lost weekend and Hey when I get home my friends might be up to going to a bar. That's as far as my crystal ball can see.

Let's Get to the Tasting.
                                                   That's My angry face

Boulder Beer Company: Hazed & Infused

Color: Amber

Clarity: Dull

Nose: Vegetative, Earthy

Taste: Very Hoppy like and IPA, Long Dry

Recommendations: Dark Chocolate, French Onion Soup

Flying Dog: Tire Bite Golden Ale

Color: Golden

Clarity: CLEAR

Nose: Very Bland... a little hops and starchy but that is all

Taste: Also VERY Bland I might as well been drinking a Budweiser.

Recommendations: Honestly this is my least favorite I have tasted so far. If I found myself having an entire 6pack of this I would probably only be able to drink two then use the others to beer batter EVERYTHING Fish... Chicken... Onion Rings... Doughnuts... My Dog's Toys... OH and probably make a German Stew and maybe Beer Bread because that's what I do with beer I don't like I cook with it.

Left Hand Brewery: Fade To Black Ale

Color: BLACK

Clarity: Completely Opaque

Nose: Smokey, Woodsy

Taste: Espresso and Bacon

Recommendations: Eggs Benedict or anything 
with Fatty Sauces

Hopefully I will have something interesting to talk about during the week so I will post again this week.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Uncorking the Past! with Friday's Beer Tasting

Monday March 14th 167 Providence RI

5:30 to 6:30

McMillan Hall, Brown University

Guest Speaker: Patrick E. McGovern

Tasting with Ancient Brews and Dog Fish Head after lecture

FULL Info at this link

I am expecting that at this event they will have a Tasting of Dog Fish Head: Midas Touch known as a "Handcrafted Ancient Ale"
This Is why in my review of Midas this week I didn't offer a recommendation. I am hopingPatrick McGovern gives us one.

Dog Fish Head: Midas Touch
"Handcrafted Ancient Ale"

Color: Pale Gold

Clarity: Dull Clear

Nose: Floral, Fruity, Spicy

Taste: Mostly Grape, and Very Acidic

Other Info: Expecting to gain more info from Uncorking the Past Lecture.

Sea Dog: Hazelnut Porter

Color: Dark Chocolate

Clarity: Near Opaque but can still see light

Nose: Nutty, and Vanilla

Taste: Nutty, Creamy, Very Sweet
Recommendations: Cheddar Cheese, Fresh Strawberries

Pete's Wicked Ruby Ale

Color: Ruby Orange

Clarity: Clear

Nose: Floral and Hoppy

Taste: Nut Tones  but very sweet

Recommendations: Sour Goat Cheese or Yogurt, Sweet & Sour Chinese Food

I am so excited for "Uncorking the Past" I hope any of my readers come. and I have the second half of my weekly tasting tonight.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Week's Beer Selection and "I Am Number Four"

I have made my selection for this week's tasting and "Drum Roll Please"

I will be having

Dog Fish Head: Midas Touch
Left Hand: Fade to Black Ale
Flying Dog: Tire Bite Golden Ale
Pete's Wicked Ale
Boulder Beer: Hazed & Infused
Sea Dog: Hazelnut Porter

Besides that I have had some great recommendations VIA facebook and will most definitely pick up a few for next week

Well, tonight Cat and I went to see "I Am Number Four" and I went in thinking it was going to be some cheesy teen action flick which, don't get me wrong, it was but it was above and beyond my expectations. You can definitely tell it was affiliated with Micheal Bay. Not much of a review I know but I haven't done much research on it. I will say good film worth going to the movies on discount night or with some sort of student discount. Major drawback.... SPOILER ALERT... It sets up for a sequel which from the film itself you can tell will be a major let down.
What will this sequel be called because if you see the film it obviously won't be I Am Number Five.

Running Errands

Today Cat and I are running errands with the puppy... Pet Store, Vet, maybe Walmart. While we are out I am going to pick up my Tasting Beers for this weekend. Comment if you have any recommendations.

Probably won't post anything else today because We are going to see"I Am Number Four" then I am going to bed as soon as we get home because I have to be at work for 5:30 in the morning.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One More Beer and Brew Pricing

Stone: Double Bastard Ale

"Ye Shall Know the Bastard and the Bastard Shall Set You Free."

Color: Brown

Clarity: Near Opaque

Nose: Melon Herbal Light Hop

Taste: Melon, Bitter, and Dry

Recommendations: Heavy Cream Sauces... Lobster Thermador

So I have started pricing my home brew kit and it is actually very reasonable.

Deluxe Starter Bottling Kit: $159.99
Outdoor Burner: $77.99
30lb Propane Tank: $59.99
Barley Mill: $125.99
Misc(pot or keg, beverage cooler, plumbing and fixtures): aprox. $175

Grand Total: aprox $600

This is definitely doable with my school refund check in April. I am budgeting $750. 

NOTHING!! to do...

Bored out of my mind on this week off.